annasaarinen textilmanufaktur



to help you choose the right rug for you, in most cases a consultation is necessary. we ask you to bring some photos of the room, note the size of the rug and make an appointment with us. we are not always available in the showroom, so please make an appointment.



exhibition “common grounds ııı”

common grounds III – exhibition

14 – 16. november 2024

13:00 – 19:00 

felsenegg- keller, spiegelgasse 18, 8001 zürich

carpets, anna saarinen

cheramic, grazia conti rossini

textiles, sonnhild kestler

slippers, stefi talman

light,  baltensweiler ag

lounge,  punktzona



super sale

Large selection of rugs at half price.

plus shoes, bags, dresses, foulards etc. from Stefi Talman, Thema Selection and Sonnhild Kestler.


Thursday 29th to Saturday 31st August 2024

spiegelgasse 18, 8001 Zurich

Thursday & Friday 12:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m

Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m




we are still weaving…

in the months of july and august you reach us either with or +41 79 676 71 11 or +41 79 249 71 11

common grounds

invitation to common grounds in felsenegg-keller

For the second time, Anna Saarinen and Stefi Talman are showing creations created for the “Common Grounds” exhibition in the atmospheric Felsenegg cellar:

hand-woven carpets and mohair blankets by Anna Saarinen, slippers and accessories by Stefi Talman. This time, furniture and objects from Punkt Zona will also be shown in the “lounge”.

Felsenegg cellar
Spiegelgasse 18, 8001 Zurich
From Thursday November 16th to Saturday November 18th,
from 1:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m
Finnish and Eurasian appetizers are served with drinks.

We look forward to seeing you

stefi talman, anna saarinen

pictures: sanna heikintalo

Züri Today Interview

anna saarinen
carpet weaver
interview in german

salon im haus zu allen winden

herzlich willkommen zum salon im haus zu allen winden in der keramikwerkstatt therese müller

an der keltenstrasse 28 in 8044 zürich.

nebst einer auswahl meiner neusten teppichkreationen gibt es arbeiten folgender gestallter:innen:

therese müller | sonnhild kestler/jasmin Grego | martin grossenbacher und christoph klein

leena pinomaa | piär amrein | daniela hoesli | mona fischer | katrin lucas | babette maeder

martin fischer | tutu’s ice pops | atelier nima


2. – 4. juni 2023

fr 14:00 – 19:00 uhr  | sa 14:00 – 19:00 uhr | so 12:00 – 17:00 uhr

telefon 079 754 28 29,

freundschaft und handwerkskunst

was haben schuhe und teppiche gemeinsam?

diese frage haben meine freundin und schuhdesignerin stefi talman und ich uns gestellt. wir wohnen beide im gleichen haus in der zürcher altstadt, verbinden unsere handwerkliche tätigkeit in bodennähe mit design und haben unsere wurzeln in anderen ländern.

bei so viel gemeinsamkeiten müssen wir doch auch einmal etwas zusammen machen, fanden wir und haben die kleine kollektion «COMMON GROUNDS» kreiert. dabei verbinden wir unsere kreationen mit winterlicher gemütlichkeit und unserer gemeinsamen liebe zu natur und farben.

COMMON GROUNDS | felseneggkeller | spiegelgasse 18 | 8001 zürich

öffnungszeiten 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 november 2022, do – so 13-18 uhr




open air studio in the middle of Zurich’s old town

a huge ornamentti carpet has arrived. in order to be able to look at it in all its glory, i had to move to the backyard of my studio in the old town of zurich. i am very impressed by the precise work of my weaver hanna on this complex pattern.



anna saarinen at the villa de sein

according to the motto “small but nice”, selected designers presented their creations over three days in may 2022 in the extraordinary ambience of the villa de sein: the stylish host in zürich-enge opened exclusively for our exhibition.


interview with anna saarinen

interview in german


fotoshooting in finland